Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Design Evaluation

For this assignment, I decided to compare two different types of light fixtures. My friend has been really into designing them lately so I went on a little adventure with her to Lowe's and found a very different looking design in contrast to the nature inspired light fixtures that she's been creating. Light fixtures, whether they're lamps, hanging lights, chandeliers, etc., they're all trying to accomplish the same goal.

I believe the comparison between these two fixtures would be considered a part of design in identity. I say this because one lamp represents a very fake look and the other one conveys a very authentic style. In my opinion, the authentic hanging light is the better looking one because of how well the abstract placement of the lights comes together with the overall realness of this piece. The real one actually came from nature while my friend and I were on a hike in Pine Valley, Utah. That's real design for you.

The lamp made at Lowe's is hideous to me. This may be because I've been lucky enough to see very real and genuinely inspired light fixtures, however, I am definitely still not attracted to the way they went about designing this Lowe's lamp in any way, shape, or form. Immediately when I saw it, I thought - wow the things I would do differently. Sure it looks inspired by nature, but it looks so fake at the same time. If you're going to use wood, make it a little more awesome. The price of this lamp also throws me off guard. When you take the time to actually design something how you want, it usually turns out to be a little bit cheaper. To me, this design is typical of people "wanting nature inspired decor", yet not actually hitting the mark when combining all components. Design should be 110% authentic. I think where they lost it was choosing the lampshade they did. I'm also not in love with the color of the wood they decided to use or whatever they did to royally mess it up.

The really amazing light fixture is the hanging one that looks so completely different. It's unique design along with the urban look was heavily inspired by walks in nature. Simplicity is beautiful. You can see the simplicity in color choice. It was also so simple to make. Not only is it simple, but also a bit diverse when looking at the different light bulbs used.

Overall, the lamp at Lowe's was not great. The hanging light fixture designed by my very good friend is so great. There you have it :)

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